13. Glossary

archived dashboard
An archived dashboard consists of a saved dashboard layout, the search results and applied filters.
association canonical type
Association canonical types are canonical types that contain information on the nature of the typed links, for example the evidence on which the link is based or the source that contributed the link.
canonical type
Canonical types represent a common concept for the group of instances they categorize. They are used to add a context to a search.
A class is a set of columns which contains the same resources in the same order. This makes it possible to traverse them resource by resource. Different classes should not have overlapping instances.
A column is the physical storage of a predicate created by a certain component and a certain type. Different types are stored differently or they must be stored in different types. One column may contain zero, one or multiple values for a resource.
component type
A component type is kind of operation that is available in Data Ingestion Engine and can be used to build a pipeline. So it will offer the possibility of introspection by looking at input predicates. Running an instance of this type (i.e. a component) can result in the creation of new columns but does not necessarily does so. It has options but does not have option values. It can give names and descriptions of option values. The same component type can be used many times in the same pipeline. Each of them will be a different component. A component is a special case of a action. Examples are import, re-alignment of resources, extract distinct, …
A component is a concrete instance of a component type. All the required options are filled in with concrete option values. It is part of a pipeline. It has concrete input predicates. It can generate one or more predicates. Since components will change data, execution can take a long time and/or must be executed in specific order. They will be queued before being run.
component option
A setting for a component type. Options can be required or not. If not required they should have a default value. They are part of the definition of a component type.
component option value
A value for a setting of a component which belongs to option. Component options values are provided in a yaml file to Data Ingestion Engine or by default values defined in the component types.
component run
An execution of a component is called a component run. The same component can have multiple runs. A run has a start time and an end time
core set
The core set of synonyms contains the most relevant synonyms of a term, as selected using a heuristic algorithm. By using only the core set of synonyms, the accuracy of searches is improved tremendously while leaving out a minimum number of relevant results.
A dashboard is a visual summary of search results. It contains widgets that allow filtering and analysis of the data.
data set
A data set is a canonical type that is configured for Remote Data Subscription. A data set includes the property and facet configuration and all existing links of that canonical type.
A facet is a property that is not unique for every instance and therefore allows grouping or filtering of instances. These properties can be visualized in widgets. For example a person’s country of birth.
The coupling of a local (in-house) DISQOVER endpoint with the ontoforce public DISQOVER endpoint.
An instance is as searchable entity that is characterized by its properties.
instance list
The instance list displays all instances that match a search.
A link is a connection between two instances, which is established by the property value of one instance referring to another instance.
A pipeline is a directed graph of components which can be executed by Data Ingestion Engine. Each component has a set of predecessors which are other components.
If component A is executed before component B, A is a predecessor of B. If there is a connector between A and B, A is a direct predecessor. If there are one or more components between them, A is an indirect predecessor.
In semantic data terms each resource corresponds to one or more subjects which are linked together via a preferredURI relation. Each resource has multiple properties which are called predicates. In SQL database terms this corresponds to column names. In Data Ingestion Engine a predicate can be stored in different columns. For example if the same predicate is created by different components. Predicates can also contain values of different types. For example they can contain literal values and URI’s.
preferred label
The preferred label is used to provide an interpretable name for instances.
A property is a characteristic of an instance. For example a person instance can have a name and a nationality.
query operator
Query operators are used in the search bar to perform more advanced queries by combining keywords in different ways.
In DISQOVER, terms each resource corresponds to an instance. Each resource will be spread over multiple columns and has multiple predicates. Data Ingestion Engine is able to traverse columns resource by resource. One resource will result in one solr document and thus one DISQOVER instance.
Sections provide a way to organize a large number of instance properties into broad classes, which can then be shown or hidden.
semantic concept
Sometimes a group of instances all represent a variation of the same real-life concept. If these synonyms are grouped into a semantic concept, it is possible to retrieve all instances by just querying for one of the synonyms.
semantic hit
A semantic hit is triggered if an instance name exactly matches a search keyword.
A semantic search does not only take into consideration literal matches of a search term, but also the contextual meaning and intent of the search.
shadowed synonym
Shadowed synonyms are synonyms that are hidden when performing query expansion because they are encompassed by other, broader and often simpler synonyms. These synonyms are identified by the fact that they share a common sub-string.
If component B is executed after component A, B is a successor of A. If there is a connector between A and B, B is a direct successor. If there are one or more components between them, B is an indirect successor.
A template is a saved lay-out of the search page, dashboard, instance list or instance pop-out. Templates do not include data.
A typed link does not only convey that two instances are connected, but also in what way they are connected. Typed links allow the user to find only the instances that are connected through a typed link of choice.
An untyped link does not convey the kind of connection between instances.
A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a unique string of characters that is used to identify something. DISQOVER uses URIs to identify instances (or resources) and data sources.
user group
A user group defines the permissions and data access rights of users.
user view
A user view defines the available and default templates. User views can be attached to user groups, and then become exclusively available to users in that group.
The data one resource has for one predicate (or column: both are multivalued).
A widget is an element on the dashboard that can be used for filtering, visualization or other actions.